BLOG 1.5
Here’s Why Nurse Practitioners Should Have Full Practice Authority Nationwide:
- Addressing the Primary Care Shortage
The United States is facing a severe shortage of primary care physicians, with millions of Americans living in areas designated as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). NPs are highly trained and capable of providing primary care services to these underserved populations. With full practice authority, NPs can take on a larger role in addressing this gap, reducing wait times, and improving access to care. Shortage Areas
- Improving Access to Healthcare, Especially in Rural Areas
Rural communities are especially impacted by the shortage of healthcare providers. Many rural areas only have limited access to physicians, which often leads to longer travel times, delays in care, and poorer health outcomes. Nurse practitioners, when granted full practice authority, can help fill this void. They are trained to provide essential services like preventive care, health education, and chronic disease management, all of which are critical in improving the overall health of rural populations. Based on 2020 Census data, 20.3% of the population (62.8 million people) and 87.4% of the land area of the country to be rural. How We Define Rural | HRSA
- Cost-Effective Care
Studies show that NPs provide high-quality care that is often more cost-effective than that delivered by physicians. They tend to focus on preventive care, which can reduce hospitalizations and the need for expensive treatments. Additionally, NPs can operate in a broader range of settings, including retail clinics and urgent care centers, where they can provide low-cost alternatives to emergency room visits. Full practice authority would allow NPs to work to their full potential, providing high-quality, cost-effective care. Nurse Practitioner Cost Effectiveness
4. Leveraging Advanced Education and Training
Nurse practitioners are not just nurses—they are advanced practice clinicians who undergo rigorous education and training. To become an NP, individuals typically hold a master’s or doctoral degree and undergo hundreds of hours of clinical training. Their expertise is on par with physicians for many aspects of primary and specialty care. In fact, numerous studies have demonstrated that NPs provide care that is comparable in quality to that of physicians, particularly in managing chronic conditions, providing preventive care, and treating acute illnesses.
5. Support for the Healthcare Workforce
As more nurses advance to become NPs, the healthcare workforce will grow in numbers and expertise. Giving NPs full practice authority encourages more nurses to pursue advanced practice roles, thereby strengthening the healthcare system. By allowing NPs to practice to their full potential, we can create a more robust, resilient workforce that is better equipped to handle the increasing demands of the healthcare system (Yang et al., 2021)
6. Enhancing Patient-Centered Care
Nurse practitioners are trained with a strong emphasis on patient-centered care. This approach focuses on building relationships with patients, understanding their unique needs, and providing tailored treatment plans. With full practice authority, NPs would be able to spend more time with patients, building trust and offering comprehensive, holistic care that may not always be achievable in a more physician-centric model. Empowering NPs to practice independently gives patients more choice in their healthcare providers and fosters a more collaborative and inclusive approach to care.
- Data Supports Full Practice Authority
Research has consistently shown that NPs with full practice authority deliver care that is safe, effective, and cost-efficient. A 2022 systematic review found in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. found that states with full practice authority for NPs had better outcomes in terms of access to care, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness (Barnett, Balkissoon, & Sandhu, 2022). Moreover, other studies have highlighted the lack of evidence supporting the argument that physician oversight results in better patient outcomes.
- Aligning with National Standards
The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the American Nurses Association (ANA), and other leading healthcare organizations support granting full practice authority to NPs in all states. National organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), also recognize the critical role of advanced practice nurses in expanding healthcare access and addressing global health needs. Aligning state policies with these standards ensures a more unified and efficient healthcare system.
As the healthcare system faces increasing demand, nurse practitioners are an essential part of the solution. Empowering them with full practice authority in every state will increase access to high-quality, cost-effective care, address provider shortages, and improve patient outcomes. It’s time to fully embrace the potential of nurse practitioners and allow them to practice to the full extent of their education and training. This is not only in the best interest of NPs but also in the best interest of the millions of patients who need their services.
Yang, B. K., Johantgen, M. E., Trinkoff, A. M., Idzik, S. R., Wince, J., & Tomlinson, C. (2021). State Nurse Practitioner Practice Regulations and U.S. Health Care Delivery Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Medical care research and review: MCRR, 78(3), 183–196.
Liu, C. F., Hebert, P. L., Douglas, J. H., Neely, E. L., Sulc, C. A., Reddy, A., Sales, A. E., & Wong, E. S. (2020). Outcomes of primary care delivery by nurse practitioners: Utilization, cost, and quality of care. Health services research, 55(2), 178–189.
Barnett, M., Balkissoon, C., & Sandhu, J. (2022). The level of quality care nurse practitioners provide compared with their physician colleagues in the primary care setting: A systematic review. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34(3), 457-464. DOI:10.1097/JXX.0000000000000660 Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
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Hi Mara,
I share your interest in ensuring nurse practitioners have full practice authority within their scope of practice in the state they serve. I do believe there should be no restriction when practicing within the scope of the training APRNs receive. Thank you for sharing your experience with hospital credentialing. I haven’t gone through that process yet, but I understand it’s a complex and tedious one for all providers.
To add to Claudia’s point, I’m curious to learn more about your nurse practitioner training and the expectations of your role. I understand you work for an internal medicine group, which requires admitting, following, and discharge privileges. When you mention “following,” are you referring to managing internal medicine patients admitted as inpatients?
My training is in family and emergency practice, and per the latest advisory opinion from the AZ State Board of Nursing, inpatient internal medicine management would fall outside my scope of practice. However, I know acute care nurse practitioners often complete rotations in internal medicine and work alongside hospitalists, which qualifies them to manage inpatient cases. Additionally, I could see how a family nurse practitioner might work in specialties like gastroenterology or cardiology, co-managing patients as part of a consultative team.
I look forward to hearing more about your experiences and challenges. I’ve attached the advisory recommendation and FAQ for reference, as I’ve found it very informative.
There is also interest in dialogue in medicine regarding family medicine physicians who are considering working as hospitalists. Family medicine physicians complete a residency that focuses mostly on outpatient management with some inpatient exposure. due to the fact those positions are often filled by internal medicine-trained physicians who complete training primarily inpatient and outpatient.
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